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Election coverage moves to online edition

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HARTINGTON — Readers may have noticed this issue of the Cedar County News is not carrying any coverage of Tuesday’s election.

The Cedar County News had to be printed prior to the closing of the polls on Tuesday, so all of our election coverage had to be moved to our E-Edition and to our website —

In the past, the Cedar County News was able to get results from Tuesday’s election into Wednesday’s newspaper because the News had its own printing plant right here in Hartington. However, that facility has been shut down and the News is now being printed in Sheldon, Iowa, each week. This new print shop was unable to accommodate a later print time, however.

Readers simply need to take a picture of the QR code at the bottom of this page with their smart phone in order to go to the Cedar County News E-Edition Election Extra Page.

“While we realize this is not an ideal situation for our readers, we hope to still be able to inform the public using these digital tools,” said News Publisher Rob Dump.

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